Current Program

Reading with stepping stone4
This is a reading project with the aim of getting more school age children into reading. The National Literature trust research shows that children who enjoy reading are happier and do better in school. We do this by providing books for children to read with their parent at home. Children are given two books per month to read, and exercise books to write a brief summary of the books. The programme lead organise a review meeting every two weeks with parents and children to see their progress.
Supposed by

Hope and back to community project -Integration Programme
The project is aiming to support our target group to integrate into the wider community through the provision of Information, advice, advocacy, referrals and signposting to various services.
Supported by Islington Council and Postcode Lottery

Health and Wellbeing Project
Art for wellbeing – mental health support
Sickle Cell Health Condition Initiatives
Educational Talk – Living with Sickle Cell
In Corroboration with Sickle Cell Support Scheme Charity.
September 17/09/2022 2022
The project is supported by

Stepping Stone4 Connect
Stepping Stone4 connect is the project created from our digital exclusion study findings. The aim is to support our members to be digitally connected.
We support people with Vodaphone SIMCARD (20GB) per month for six month.
This project is in corroboration with the unconnected. The Unconnected is a non-profit organization with a focus on addressing global digital inequality.
We also work in corroboration with HEAR- Network